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  • Care package during COVID-19

30 more free days on BlueWinston

Are you looking for a way to save even more in the “coronacrisis“? You just find the right way – we offer more 30 days free on our automation tool.

How to get 30 more days for free?

There are two ways to prolong your free trial/ gain 30 free days on BlueWinston:

  • You want to try BlueWinston and you never worked with it – 30 more days are going to be written to your account automatically, so you will have 60 days to try our tool with full customer service and pilot campaigns. Register and use 60 days for free now.
  • You already use BlueWinston and you are a paying customer – all you need to do is prolong your subscription for another three month and you get 30 days (a month) extra. Extra days are going to be automatically added to you account.

The offer is available until 31st of May or according to situation.

Get your product advertising done with BlueWinston

Every single solution and feature is excellent, but all together bring you a powerful product advertising platform for achieving great results and huge time & cost savings!

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About the Author:

Account Manager and aspiring PPC specialist at BlueWinston. I like to learn about newest information about ecommerce business and Google Ads.