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  • What is PPC?

What is PPC?

  • What is PPC?
  • What does it have to do with your business?
  • What are the advantages of PPC?

Perhaps you have been asking yourself the same questions when you heard of PPC for the first time. Here are the answers!

What is PPC? Basic definition

PPC stands for pay-per-click and it is a usual strategy of online advertising and driving traffic to your webpage. Your ad displays when matching the term user is searching for. When the ad is clicked by the potential customer, advertiser pays a publisher for this click. Publishers are the platforms where you want to display your ad. The most important for us is Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords). The advertiser is not paying for the ad being displayed. You only pay for the results – acquiring new visitors to your page through the ad.

What are the benefits of PPC?

PPC has several advantages. Most of all, you are charged only when the ad is used (by click).

Also, it stands out for its:

  • higher efficiency,
  • great targeting,
  • good measurability of the results,
  • flexibility.

It is considered the most efficient type of advertising. In our case – Product campaigns which are targeting very specific audience, potential buyers of your products from e-shop.

How does it work?

The PPC ads are usually short text ads, precisely formulated so that they show up when a user is searching for your product. The role of keywords is very important. The base for PPC is a bidding system – who offers higher cost per click, gets better positioning. However, it is not only the price which determinates the position of your ad. The quality of content matters as well. When your ad is engaging enough, you can bid lower prices for the click.

PPC is financially flexible as well. You can change the bids depending on your budget or results. Also, you can stop it anytime without losing any money.

PPC ads are great tool to acquire new visitors to your webpage. However, they do require a lot of attention and precise settings, so that your ad displays in the right times at the right places.

Where can a PPC campaign appear?

PPC campaigns are displayed anywhere while surfing the Internet. If you just Googled what PPC is, the first results you’d see in search results were PPC ads, specifically text ads on the Search network. However, PPC ads also have other forms, let’s look at them together.

Search Network campaigns

When you create campaigns in the Search Network, your ads will appear in search results, which means that if someone searches for the keyword your ad targets, they will appear in search results and on partner sites. However, running such a campaign does not mean that you will be first in the results. This ranking depends on many factors, such as budget and competition.

Search advertising is text-based and consists of headlines and signatures. There are also so-called ad extensions that you can also add. You can expand your ad, e.g. o telephone number, address, etc.

Display Network campaigns

Another form of advertising is Display Network campaign. If you advertise on the Display Network, your ads can appear anywhere because the Display Network is made up of websites, Youtube channels, and applications. So your ad can appear really anywhere, depending on your targeting preference.

What formats does the Display network offer:

  • Classic image static banners
  • Animated banners (in HTML5 format)
  • Dynamic banners – the user is dynamically displayed banners about products or services he searched for and viewed on the web
  • Responsive ads (image-text)
  • Gmail ads – image text ads or HTML5 ads that appear in Gmail

There are also so-called Smart Display Campaigns that work on the principles of automatic ad creation, automatic bidding, and targeting.

Video campaign

Video ads can appear on videos on Youtube, partner sites, and applications. Video advertising is mainly used to build brand awareness. You can use it to tell the story of the brand to your customers. The advantage is that it is cheaper than television advertising, and it also affects not only the visual but also the auditory senses. What formats does video advertising offer:

  • Non-skippable in-stream advertising – you’ve met them while watching videos when you had to watch the ad and you couldn’t skip it. This can be a maximum of 15 seconds of a short video.
  • Skippable ad – is the kind of ad you can skip after five seconds.
  • Video discovery ad – appears where people search for content, next to related videos on YouTube, on the Youtube for mobile homepage, or as part of a Youtube search. It consists of a thumbnail of the image from the video and text.
  • Bumber – before or during the video you can see a bumper that is 6 seconds long and can not be skipped
  • Out stream advertising – are video ads only for mobile devices
  • Masthead ads – this video is displayed at the top of the homepage or Youtube feed, they are only available on the principle of booking through a Google sales representative.

Shopping Ads

Shopping ads are those that appear on Google in the form of small images with product name and price. They are displayed when searching for specific products or product categories. They work on the basis of a feed (list of products), which are uploaded in the Google Merchant Center, which are then based on product information such as the name and description of the product are paired with the searched query and displayed in the search results.

There is also a subcategory of Shopping campaigns called Smart shopping campaigns that work by having Google systems select various combinations of images and text from your product feed that it provides on Google networks and test them at the same time. After testing, it will show only the most relevant ads.

Application ads

These campaigns work to automatically advertise your application to the most appropriate users.

All you need to enter in Google Ads for this ad type is:

  • The application you want to advertise
  • Your ad text
  • Picture or video
  • Language setting
  • Geographic and strategic targeting

Your ad will then appear on Google search, on Google Play, the Google Display Network, and Youtube.

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About the Author:

CEO at BlueWinston. I work in the ecommerce business for more than 6 years and I aspire to be always up-to-date with everything. I work very hard to push our team forward and achieve every set goal.