Product feeds you want to upload to your Merchant Center must be supported. In this article, we will show you which of them are supported and what are they.
Text (spreadsheet)
This format is relatively simple. The headers include attribute names separated by tabs. The next line contains the corresponding values that appear under the name of each attribute. We recommend using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to create a spreadsheet and save the file. If you use the Google option, you can download and upload the file in .txt format, or upload the spreadsheet directly to Merchant Center.Keep in mind -> Feeds in the form of an Excel (.xls) or CSV (.scv) file are not supported at this time, please make sure it is converted to text (.txt) format before uploading.✅ Advantages :
Simple to create and edit if you have a spreadsheet program
Easier to view multiple items
❌ Disadvantages :
Easier to make formatting mistakes
It can be confusing
When creating or generating a feed, make sure that the file is saved in one of the supported types :
.gz: Gnu zip, compressed TSV (recommended) or XML
.txt: TSV
.xml: XML
.zip: Zip, compressed TSV or XML
.bz2: Bzip2, compressed TSV or XML
Keep in mind -> If you are scheduling your data feed, please ensure that the feed URL directly points to your feed file. If it points to your website instead, your item information will be fetched in a HTML format which will result in a feed failure. The URL must begin with either http://, https://, ftp://, or sftp://. If your file requires a username and password to access, please enter the appropriate login information to allow Google to access your file.Dont forget to check our article about the product name and a correct XML feed: the key to the success of automated text ads for Google products.
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