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Jakub Gombár

Project Description

Jakub Gombar

Jakub Gombár

Online Campaigns Manager & Co-Founder

+421 907 663 776 linkedin.com/in/jakub-gombar/

BlueWinston Certified Partner Badge
Invelity logo

Strážska cesta 10, 960 01 Zvolen, Slovenská republika

Nedbalova 12, 811 01 Bratislava, Slovenská republika

121 South Maple Ave., Suite 11, CA94080 South San Francisco, USA

invelity.com [email protected]

Recommends BlueWinston.com

BlueWinston is a very useful application for creating and managing campaigns, saving a lot of time. New features are being regularly implemented and I also appreciate the possibility of working with automation – scripts that make the work of a professional more efficient. The support is also excellent. Most of the e-shops are highly recommended to try it out.

What do I offer

  • I specialize on Google Ads, Facebook Ads, AdForm, Search Ads 360, Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, price comparison websites
  • Strategy, setting up and optimization of paid campaigns, SEO, website creation, social media management