Loudspeaker Experience Microsoft Product Ads for Lightfree until January 1, 2026 - absolutely no cost!
Tomáš Kuracina

Project Description

Tomáš Kuracina

Tomáš Kuracina

BlueWinston Certified Partner Badge
Performics logo

Apollo Business Center II Prievozská 4/B, Blok “C” 821 09 Bratislava Slovakia www.performics.com/sk [email protected]

Recommends BlueWinston.com

I like the automated solution that creates ads on each product and product categories as well.

What can I help you with:

I work in Performics since 2015 and my current task is managing, PPC campaign strategy creation, and communication with key clients. The clients I am working for: Bestdrive, iPneu, Tatra Banka, Generali Germany