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About Karin Kováčová

Account Manager for BlueWinston. Dealing with problems of our clients and calling with them is my everyday cup of tea. I like learning new things and writing articles about marketing topics.

How to manage product inventory during pandemic

Business owners around the world are trying to respond the most appropriate to the panic that is raging around the world. The coronavirus pandemic brings a number of challenges to retailers of all sizes. Therefore, they have to make changes. They share information about how the company and its employees work in this situation. More

FAQ in your e-shop can drive your sales. How to organize it the best?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are no longer unique in the online world. However, there are still many people who do not pay enough attention to this page on their websites, even though the e-shop could clearly benefit from it. In this blog, we'll have look on how to give it the best structure to make

Switch to expanded text ads easily with these practices

It has been over a year since Google Ads introduced a revolutionary update, expanded text ads. These offer you even more space to attract your potential customers. However, the switch from standard to enhanced text ads may not be easy at all due to the uncertainty. Here are some tips on how you can handle

Search Ads 360: Manage large campaigns more efficiently

Google ads have undergone many changes in recent months. These include not only ad displaying, but also new useful features and reorganization of the advertising platform. Search Ads 360 is a result of these changes - a unique campaign management tool for search engines. The work of many agencies and marketers managing accounts across multiple

Optimization Score: What does it mean for ads and how high should it be?

With analytics tools, you can observe the performance of your ads, whether they are bringing you new leads and sales, or what is their potential in the future. Optimization score is such an analytical tool directly in Google Ads and it’s available for free. Analytics tools are important for anyone who chooses to promote their

Optimize your campaigns on the go with the Google Ads app

Google Ads helps you stay up-to-date and manage your ads wherever you are. In an ever-changing world of online marketing, it would be difficult to find a better companion. Respond to current trends and manage your campaigns on the go! What can you do with the Google Ads app? If you advertise your products using

Make your customers feel safer in your e-shop

Despite the fact that shopping on the Internet saves a lot of time, the customer are still struggling with one aspect that cannot be assured as much as in physical stores – security. On the Internet, it is easier to deceive a customer than when shopping in a physical stire, and despite increasing safety standards, this

Do even more with the new features in the Google Ads app

Track your campaign information anywhere, even on the go with the Google Ads app. You can easily download it to your smartphone on Google Play for Android or the App Store for iOS. With these new features, you can do even more with the app. Google Ads makes marketers’ life easier in several ways. In particular, they

What to look for when creating a marketing strategy in 2020

For many, the start of a new year means evaluating the previous one. Or they are developing a new business strategy for the upcoming one. However, developing a strategy in a constantly evolving field such as ecommerce is not an easy task. Everchanging environment, trends or external factors, new updates in services... Let’s have a