About Martin Jančo

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)

Quick guide to Google Analytics #3 – How do you acquire new customers?

Promotion is inherently interconnected with running an online business. But do you know, whether it helps you to acquire new customers? If you run an e-shop and don´t know the answer to this question, you should immediately change it. You can significantly affect your business and save money. In our third blog of Google Analytics

Quick guide to Google Analytics #2 – Get to know your audience

Do you know your audience? Who are the visitors of your webpage and your potential clients? Where do they come from? Do they have anything in common? In case you are running an online business, you definitely should know answers to these questions. If you know your customers and their behavior, you´ve partly succeeded. Google

Quick guide to Google Analytics #1 – Let´s start + Real-time report

To create good ads and content, you have to know your audience and environment where you publish them. To understand their behavior, you need to measure them somehow and then analyze the results. Otherwise you may end up creating many ads and content, but the investment will hardly (if ever) pay off. Extra work? You´re

Search and personalization – how are your products displayed by Google?

Google Search could be, until recently, seen as a misunderstood magic – two users in the same country, the same query, but different result. The company was testing personalization, but now it belongs to the past. Personalized search Personalized search means that the algorithms of the provider of the concrete search (Google is the most

How to deal with Low Performance in Product – Group Text Ads Campaigns (Using Per Partes & Keywords Match types)

From our experience, every keyword in product campaigns need at least 10 - 20 clicks for one conversion. But when you use more match type for keywords, they can cannibalize each other - and also clicks are divided into more keywords - so it is harder to optimize. Keywords Match types We recommend to use

How to deal with Low Performance in Product Text Ads Campaigns (Using Per Partes & Keywords Match types)

From our experience, every keyword in product campaigns need at least 10 - 20 clicks for one conversion. But when you use more match type for keywords, they can canibalize each other - and also clicks are divided to more keywords - so it is harder to optimize. Keywords Match types We recommend to use

Why DSA still learning without impressions?

In some cases, you see that DSA campaign is learning and maybe you have a question: How can the Bluewinston DSA campaigns start generating traffic right away instead of wasting time on ‘learning’? Here is a lot of staff about DSAs: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2471185?hl=en&ref_topic=3119126 In many cases the time of “learning” in DSA campaigns depends from: number

Key performance indicators (KPI) you should track

Key performance indicators (KPI) are being used almost everywhere, either knowingly or not. These are specific measurable indicators, based on which a goal can be set and tracked. Knowing what you want to achieve and by what measurable means (partial goals) you can get there, can be a half of success. In both personal and

Product advertisement – bring your products closer to the audience!

Every seller wants to highlight their product in the competition, emphasize its benefits and show it to as many people as possible – convincing them to buy that product. Product advertisement is placing your product or service to different dedicated and paid spots, with the aim to inform people and acquire their interest. Thanks to

Responsive ads: Let Google program the best combination!

Responsive search ads are new and quite interesting format of Google Ads. They consist in adjustment of the ad, based on the previous activity of potential customers. The system tests dynamically various combinations of titles and descriptions, while observing which combinations performs best for different search requests. Saved time, higher flexibility, more of approached customers,

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