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About Simona Pavelkova

Account Manager and aspiring PPC specialist at BlueWinston. I like to learn about newest information about ecommerce business and Google Ads.

Case study BodyWorld: +7% turnover from Google Ads, 3,46% conversion rate

Thanks to Blue Winston product campaigns, we have increased both traffic and conversions while maintaining the target CoS in BodyWorld, by approaching people in advanced stage of shopping. After integrating the campaign later from keywords from internal web search, the range of quality converting ad groups has increased. Bodyworld is a well-established online store

Ads without impressions? The problem might be in your settings

Maybe you have already experienced publishing an ad to acquire new customers, but as the time went by its impressions were not growing. Low or no impressions are an indicator that your ad has no reach and that you cannot expect any click-throughs or conversions. Let´s have a look on how to change it.

Do you hesitate between automated or manual bids? We compared them for you!

Setting bidding strategies is a huge dilemma when launching campaigns. The first question is whether they should be automated, or you want to manage them manually. Not each type of strategy fits each type of campaign. Therefore, we compared them to make the decision making easier for you. Here are the results… Automated bidding can

Dynamic search ads – DSA bring out new options for targeting and stats

Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) for Google Search are the most easiest way how to get new customers. It is because of their very easy setup. Similar as in other campaign types in Google Ads, also in DSA campaigns are there regularly new features. If you begin with creation of Google DSA campaigns, we recommend

Adjust to mobile-first indexing with mobile-friendly website

Smartphones have brought so many options to people´s lives that desktop devices are slowly losing their attractivity for regular daily activities, such as web-browsing. Google is catching up with this trend by an experiment called “mobile-first indexing”. This experiment serves primarily the users of the search; however it will influence mainly the web owners. In

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