How are Bad Words solved in BlueWinston – manual request
During campaign creation process there are created keywords from product names. And there are words, that Adwords understand as bad words. After first update of BlueWinston campaigns to Adwords, AdWords will send back information about bad words – most of them will appear in part AdWords – Bad Words.
There are 3 types of Bad words:
Pharmacy policy
Other bad words
You can also insert your defined bad words. If you know some bad words or you found any in your AdWords account, you can add them here. There can be some bad words that AdWords do not inform BlueWinston via API connection.
If you try to add bad word that is already in the list, system will not allow you to insert this word => so, there are no duplicities.
And you can manually request a exemption. Tick chosen words (ad bad word, keyword bad word, trademark) and manually ask for exemption. This is very new in BlueWinston and often it works! If there are some words previously not accepted, with these words we cannot help.
After your request, AdWords will check your eshop and decide if approve exemption for you or not. During time of waiting you can see these statuses:
Exemption requested (auto)
Exemption requested
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Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)