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  • Best Practises for P.Max

Best Practices for Performance Max

How to maximise your campaigns’ effectiveness?

Microsoft Ads Performance Max campaigns are exceptionally powerful tools for enhancing the reach and efficiency of your advertising strategies. With their advanced automated features, they deliver excellent results with minimal need for manual intervention, saving both time and energy for advertisers. However, like any technology, PMax campaigns come with certain challenges – but don’t worry, there’s nothing you can’t overcome.

Some advertisers encounter obstacles such as high volatility, low conversions, or poor return on investment. These situations, however, are usually not the result of campaign failures but rather a lack of understanding of their key settings – properly defining goals, optimizing assets, or effectively tracking conversions.

Optimizing Performance Max

To avoid these pitfalls and fully unlock the potential of Performance Max campaigns, it’s essential to focus on the details. No matter how ambitious your goals may be, without proper optimization and configuration, you may inadvertently encounter performance issues in your campaigns.

Ako sme už spomenuli, úspech nespočíva len v správnom nastavení rozpočtu a cieľov, ale aj v efektívnej správe podkladov, presnom sledovaní konverzií a využití pokročilých automatizovaných nástrojov, ktoré Microsoft Ads ponúka. Na to, aby ste mohli naplno využiť tento potenciál, je nevyhnutné venovať pozornosť už samotnému prechodu z Google Ads na Microsoft Ads. Ak už máte rozbehnuté Performance Max kampane v rámci Google Ads, ich správny import na novú platformu predstavuje kľúčový krok, ktorý môže výrazne zjednodušiť vašu prácu – samozrejme, ak je vykonaný precízne a korektne.

1. Importing P.Max from G.Ads to M.Ads

When importing Performance Max campaigns from Google Ads, it’s crucial to proceed carefully to avoid unexpected complications. Before you begin, make sure to:

  • Disable the “Update existing campaigns” option This will protect your previous settings from unintended changes.
  • Set up conversion tracking correctly Ensure data consistency between both platforms and gain clear insights into campaign performance.
  • Select the correct store in Microsoft Merchant Center If you’re managing retail campaigns, don’t forget to choose the correct store in Microsoft Merchant Center (MMC) during the import process.
  • Review audience data Be aware that audience data might not be imported, or no data may be assigned to the imported audiences.

After successfully setting up your campaign, the learning phase follows, which is crucial for achieving stability and high performance. Initial results typically appear within 10 days, but the learning process can take 2–3 weeks, depending on the volume of data processed. During this period, it’s advisable to limit changes to campaign settings, minimizing volatility and accelerating the stabilization process.

2. Budgets

Another key factor influencing the success of these campaigns is budget allocation. Generally, if you already have experience with P.Max campaigns on Google Ads, it’s recommended to allocate approximately 25–30% of their budget for campaigns on Microsoft Ads. However, for more effective optimization, the campaign needs 2–3 times the budget of standard campaigns to cover various ad formats and fully utilize its potential.

3. Goals

When setting goals, it’s also recommended to start with flexible parameters. Strict targets, such as CPA or ROAS, can limit the campaign’s learning and optimization capabilities at the start. The ideal approach is to set goals based on the performance of your previous campaigns (preferably over the last 30 days). This ensures the campaign operates with realistic data.

4. Asset Management

To maximize the efficiency of Performance Max campaigns, it is essential to include a diverse range of assets such as images, text, and videos. However, it’s important to avoid images with text. Unlike automatically generated assets, which significantly enhance ad delivery and adapt to various devices and contexts, text-based images can reduce campaign performance.

Assets should also be updated regularly. If certain assets are not performing as expected, it’s recommended to pause or replace them with new ones. To maintain the relevance and efficiency of your campaign, aim to refresh your assets approximately every five weeks.

5. Conversions and Performance Tracking

Effective campaign optimization starts with precise conversion tracking. If your campaign is not generating any conversions, the first step is to verify the proper implementation of the UET (Universal Event Tracking) tag, which records these data points. If no conversions are being recorded across the entire account, the issue likely lies in the basic tracking setup. Conversely, if conversions are being tracked but revenue data is missing, ensure these details are properly passed to Microsoft Ads through variable revenue tracking.

In cases of low ROI, it’s advisable to review conversion goal settings and consider adjusting the budget. Campaign instability with fewer than 30 conversions per month indicates a need to first increase conversion volume before implementing stricter goals for better results.


Performance Max campaigns in Microsoft Ads offer significant potential, but their success relies on attention to detail and thorough optimization. From proper import processes to efficient asset management and conversion tracking—every step matters. Allow your campaign sufficient time to learn, minimize hasty changes, and make full use of automation tools. This approach will improve performance, enhance stability, and ultimately increase your ROI.

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About the Author:

Copywriter and Social Media Specialist for BlueWinston. I enjoy creative work, which is why I’m always ready to dive into writing articles, creating graphics, or redesigning websites. Outside of work, I love an active lifestyle, tasty foods, and volleyball.