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Boosters: How we advertise books and authors through BlueWinston

Boosters – an online performance agency led by Martin Bulák and together with Jana Mešťanová they manage Google Ads campaign. The agency focuses on advertising strategies through various platforms, including performance PPC campaigns in Google search..

A problem that we had to solve

In the case of product campaigns for the e-shop that sells books, the agency chose to automatize advertising for Google search. They wanted to use data sources (XML feeds) and the PPC tool BlueWinston to cover advertising for:

  • Name of the book
  • Author name
  • Phrases that people search for on e-shop

How did BlueWinston help with this problem?

BlueWinston has greatly simplified keyword creation and ad updates, saving Boosters agency a lot of time for campaign management. We were able to solve:

1. Automated keyword and ad creation for:

  • name of the book
  • author and his books
  • phrases that people search for on e-shop

2. Regular ad pricing updates

3. Automatic pause and addition of new entities

  • new books = automatic ads and keyword creation
  • sold out books = automatic ad group pause
  • new authors and their books = automatic keyword creation for new authors
  • new phrases = keywords searched on the e-shop

4. Optimization scripts for automatic pausing of underperforming keywords

Campaign structure

We’ve broken down campaigns by books, authors, and by special phrases that come from e-shop searches. The breakdown of the campaigns is therefore as follows:

  • Campaigns for book names – Campaign Books
  • Campaigns for author names – Campaign Authors
  • Campaigns for phrases searched on the web – Campaign Phrases

1. Campaign Books

Keywords were created from the product names defined directly in the product XML feed. As for the method of keyword creation, we chose both product name truncation and tag combination.


Ads were created from the ad patterns directly in BlueWinston:

The result is a unique and specific ad for each product in the campaign.

The customer will be taken directly to the one product and they can directly purchase it on the e-shop.

2. Campaign Authors

Keywords in this campaign were created from the names of the authors and also as a combination of author names with prefixes. We wanted to cover searches, where customers are searching through author names but they don’t know which book specifically are they searching for.

For example, author Paulo Coelho had these keywords:

Ads were created through ad patterns in BlueWinston and we created multiple ad patterns for each author:

After the setup the ads looked like this:


The user was taken from the search to e-shop and to specific author’s books.

3. Campaign Phrases

Keywords were created from the phrases, that users searched for directly on the e-shop. Each phrase had a fixed prefix “book” and “books” so for example for the book Dune the keywords looked like this:


We then created ads through ad patterns in BlueWinston:

In this case, the ad on Google looked like this:

The user will be taken to all books that comply with the phrase and in this case to all books that have anything in common with the word Dune.

Results of the BlueWinston campaigns

We compared the period between 6.10.2021 and 4.11.2021 with the period between 6.9.2021 and 5.10.2021 and with BlueWinston campaigns we achieved:

Clicks +67%
Cost per conversion (CPA) -14%
Conversions +126%
ROAS +10%
Conversion rate +35%

From this, we can deduce that BlueWinston campaigns not only doubled the conversions but also decreased the cost for one conversion, which means that their spend was being used to the full extent and more efficiently than before.

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)