Can’t buy nothing for koronas on e-shops
Just a week ago all of this seemed like a distant dream that only matters to the Far East. Today the problem is present here and everybody is coping with it as they can. Even ecommerce field. COVID-19 is a pandemic like none of us ever witnessed and we can’t predict how big it will grow. Only time will tell, and we can only predict based on what we already know. Shops everywhere are closed (with a few exceptions). People can get out of their homes as they please, but it might change very quickly. There is chaos, panic, fear in the country, people don’t know what to do. Usual shopping in malls is unacceptable. However, thanks to e-shops, shoppers can buy stuff online. What we can’t buy personally will be delivered to us online. From this perspective it can seem that ecommerce found something “good” in this situation.
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