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Case study BodyWorld: +7% turnover from Google Ads, 3,46% conversion rate

Thanks to Blue Winston product campaigns, we have increased both traffic and conversions while maintaining the target CoS in BodyWorld, by approaching people in advanced stage of shopping. After integrating the campaign later from keywords from internal web search, the range of quality converting ad groups has increased.

Bodyworld is a well-established online store with sports nutrition supplements that has been keeping the forefront position in the market for years, and especially the good rating from its customers. It offers a wide range of proteins, gainers, stimulants, fat burners and other products at the best prices.

Product campaign integration

After perfectly adjusting common campaigns in Google Ads and stabilizing them, we saw great potential in Blue Winston, as a system with which our online agency BOOSTERS has good experience with other clients. We saw this potential particularly in the possibility of extending the current campaigns of product campaigns that were only dealt with in the current account through DSA campaigns. At the beginning we launched 22 product campaigns segmented by web structure.

From the beginning of the CoS, campaigns fluctuated quite a lot, but already in the second month is was surprisingly reaching its target values. When creating campaigns, we also used Blue Winston Bid Management (A.I.) optimized policies, while integrating multiple automated scripts customized for this account.

  • 788 new ad groups
  • +18 924 visits
  • 3.46% average conversion rate
  • +7% increase in Google Ads turnover
  • -13% decrease in CoS

Luigis integration

After successful integration of BlueWinston product campaigns and their stabilization in CoS metric, we have embarked on further bold extensions to follow Blue Winston support advice – this time by integrating campaigns from converting internal search using Luigi´s Box that collaborates with Blue Winston.

Essentially, the system analyzes search queries up to the conversion level and can use Blue Winston to create campaigns that can cover very interesting terms that you didn´t know people were searching for, or wouldn´t deploy because of their seemingly “low quality”.

The Luigis campaign configuration was set to 3+ word searches that resulted in a conversion, and this is the first month´s results:

  • 842 new ad groups that represent relevant search terms
  • 3.22% average conversion rate
  • 85 new purchases
  • -3% of total CoS

Based on the results so far, we can say that with Blue Winston we have succeeded in fulfilling our goal of extending the overall Google Ads intervention, maintaining the overall CoS, and extending the campaign with an exciting new feature that covers the terms of sophisticated web analysis.

“We started to collaborate with Blue Winston to expand our existing campaigns, and their subsequent performance really surprised us. We also appreciate proactive BW suggestions for new types of campaigns that also work well for us.”
Martin Horniak, CEO BodyWorld

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About the Author:

Account Manager and aspiring PPC specialist at BlueWinston. I like to learn about newest information about ecommerce business and Google Ads.