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Switch Smart Shopping campaigns to the Performance Max campaigns now or let Google automatically change them later?

Performance Max campaigns are a brand new and interesting campaign type in Google Ads about which we already wrote a bit. In this follow-up article, we would like to talk more about the transition from Smart Shopping campaigns to Performance max campaigns. A lot of e-shops already have Smart Shopping campaigns with a

Changes for bidding strategies – maximize conversions and maximize value of conversions

Following the announcement in April this year, Google is making changes for automated bidding strategies. This is to make bidding strategies more transparent. The existing bidding strategies Target Cost Per Acquisition (Target CPA) and Target Return on Ad Spend (Target ROAS) will be able to continue to be used, but they will also be part

Publishing house C.H.Beck case study: BlueWinston campaigns achieved 8,40% CTR

The publishing house C.H.Beck is a leading provider of professional legal information. C. H. Beck’s offer includes specialized publications dedicated to lawyers, tax advisors, HR departments, public administration, as well as legal trainees and students. The challenge we’re facing in digital marketing is to reach specific target groups with precision and to accurately serve

Pneumatiky-brno.cz | How to create product campaigns for a specific location?

Pneumatiky-brno.cz is an e-shop that deals with car tires and batteries in the Czech Republic. This e-shop serves the company only as a secondary sales platform. As far as profits are concerned the most significant thing for the company is the service and replacement of tires in the spring and autumn seasons.

Google Product Ads: The perfect guide to understand what’s their purpose and how they can benefit your business

What are Google product ads and why are they so important? Product ads are crucial for advertisers with E-shops. Their sole purpose is to make your products visible for potential customers all over the Internet. Whether you are a small business or an e-Shop with hundreds of products, Google ads can boost up the traffic

Google shopping ads vs. text ads: How do they differ and how to use them to your advantage

At first glance, it can be difficult for companies to opt for one particular type of advertising. In this article, we will explain both types of advertising, their benefits, compare them and get to option number 3 - using both types of advertising at the same time. Google shopping is the most popular ad type

What is Google Shopping product feed specification and how can it benefit you?

Google Shopping has become one of the most used platforms for advertising on the Internet. Obviously, every person who wants to start selling their products/offering services online, turns to Merchant Center. So, I’m guessing you are one of them! You’ve created your eShop and your account in the Merchant Center, however now you are

How to set up and use DSA Page feeds in Google Ads

What are DSA Page feeds? DSA Page feeds are used for Google DSA campaigns. DSA campaigns are based on the content on your web and using Page feeds you can choose specific URLs as landing pages. It gives you an advantage to choose only some URLs, for example for your best sellers. DSA Page feed

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