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  • How to create One Word Keywords for Product Group campaigns

How to create One Word Product-Group KWs for some cases?

In some cases there is big need / demand to have one word keywords. Like for example in product category “Medicaments“.

We can have product names like:

Zentiva Celaskon 250mg Zentiva Celaskon 500mg red orange Zentiva Celaskon 500mg lemon etc…

With standard Truncation settings we can get keyword generated by truncating till chosen tag <manufacturer> (in this case “Zentiva”) + 1 word:

Zentiva Celaskon

But what about the situation when we would like to have keywords “Celaskon”?

Set the keywords creation process for generating one word keywords

How to BlueWinston's keywords creation process to get one word keywords in group campaigns

Do not forget to hide <manufacturer> from keywords

How to hide manufacturer from generated keywords

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About the Author:

CEO at BlueWinston. I work in the ecommerce business for more than 6 years and I aspire to be always up-to-date with everything. I work very hard to push our team forward and achieve every set goal.