Conversion rate
What does conversion rate mean?
Conversion rate is the percentage of site visitors who successfully complete a purchase. This means how many of the 100 site visitors performed the requested conversion. The conversion rate allows us to track the success of the e-shop based on how many visitors to the site in the e-shop bought or performed the conversion. This data is tracked, for example, using Google Analytics.

How do you get a higher conversion rate?
Here are some tips to help you increase your e-commerce sales. It will not change the number of products in the e-shop, nor increase your set marketing budget. Your website must be attractive, interesting and, above all, clear for the customer.
The customer must be able to find what he is looking for in the shortest possible time, otherwise he can leave the website quickly. It is very important that your e-shop is able to turn a regular site visitor into a customer. Ideally a loyal and regular shopper.
Our 5 tips to increase your conversion rate
1. Add CTA buttons and online support
2. Specify information about your products

3. Implement a remarketing strategy
4. Post product reviews on your e-shop
5. Increase traffic to your site
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