Google Ads Match Types
As you probably know, Google Ads is built on the CPC (cost-per-click) system. That means, you are paying only for the clicks on your ads.
Your ads are showing thanks to the specific keywords. In this article, we will talk abou Google Ads keyword matching options.
Broad Match
Broad match is the default match type in your Google Ads, which means, all your keywords are assigned to broad match. Your ads are able to show on searches that include synonyms, related searches or even misspellings. For example, if your keywords is “women’s watches”, someone who is searching for “buy ladies watches” might see your ads.
Negative Keywords
You can exclude your ads from showing on searches with the negative keywords. If you are selling shoes except running shoes, you can add a negative keyword designated with a minus sign (-running shoes).
Phrase Match
This match type allows you to show your ads on searches that match a phrase or close variations of that phrase. That may include additional words before or after. Your ads won’t show if a word is added to the middle of the phrase that can change the meaning of the phrase. They are designated with quotation marks (“women’s watches”).
Exact Match
If you do not want to match synonyms or phrases, you can use the exact match option. Ads with exact match type show on searches that match the exact term, keyword or are close variations of that term. Close variants can include searches for some keywords with the same meaning as the exact keywords. Exact matches are designated with brackets ([black hoodie]).
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