What is a Landing Page?

Landing page (vstupná stránka) je samostatná webová stránka. Najmä v digitálnom marketingu, kde je vytvorená špeciálne pre marketingovú alebo reklamnú kampaň. Keď niekto klikne na vašu reklamu alebo kampaň, presmeruje ho na vstupnú stránku. Na vašu vstupnú stránku sa môžu dostať prostredníctvom odkazu v e-maile, reklám od spoločnosti Google, Bing alebo YouTube, sociálnych médií, ako sú Facebook, Instagram, Twitter a mnoho ďalších miest na webe

Webové stránky majú zvyčajne veľa cieľov a interaktívne skúmanie. Vstupné stránky sú navrhnuté s jediným účelom, inými slovami, známe ako výzva na akciu (call to action).

Difference between a homepage and a landing page

As we said before, there is a main key difference between a homepage and a landing page. The homepage is supposed to display what your business/e-shop is. On the other hand, a landing page has a specific purpose to get someone to register on or buy your products.

Having fewer links on your landing page increases conversions, as there are fewer tantalizing clickables that’ll carry visitors away from the call to action. That’s why expert marketers always use a dedicated landing page as the destination of their traffic.

Everyone knows that the homepage looks amazing, has different images, a smooth menu, or display video, but it is supposed to show a brand. From here, a visitor can go anywhere. Apply for a job, watch videos, review the terms of service, download application etc.


The landing page for this customer serves a completely different purpose. To register, to buy, to convert visitor to your customer.

Reasons you need landing pages

  • Easily generate leads
  • Give your offers a place to live
  • Collect Demographic Information about your prospects
  • Understand which prospects are more engaged
  • Provide fuel for other marketing channels
  • Offer insights into the effectiveness of your marketing offers

What should be on landing pages?

  • Headline

The headline is the first thing visitors will likely see when they ‘land’ on a landing page.

  • Copy

The text on a landing page should explain the value of the offer clearly, simply, and in a compelling way.

  • Keywords

Like any other inbound marketing content, keywords should be used in the page title, headers, and text on a landing page to optimize it for search engines.

  • Social sharing buttons/links

These links enable visitors to easily share a landing page with their connections on social networks.

  • Hidden navigation

A landing page on which any top/side navigation bars are hidden will minimize distractions, reduce friction, decrease a landing page’s bounce rate.

  • Lead-Capture/Conversion form

The most critical component of any landing page, the lead-capture or conversion form is where page visitors submit their information in exchange for the offer, converting them into coveted sales leads.

  • Image

Landing pages that include a relevant image give visitors a tangible idea of what they’ll receive and make landing pages much more visually appealing.

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