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  • Google Shopping Ads for free

Did you know you can advertise on Google Shopping Ads for free?

Recently, in our article we informed you that Google is going to help small and medium online merchants with product advertising on Shopping tag for free. Till the end of April in USA, and a few days after that in many other countries around the world, there is an opportunity to advertise your products through Surfaces across Google for free.

To learn more about Google Shopping Ads, you can visit our detailed article.

In Google Shopping tab your products will be shown and you don’t have to pay for clicks.

Google Shopping Ads for free

For online merchants, this change means that they can advertise for free their products for people, who search for products in Google search. For customers this means greater choice from more e-shops. 

In the case e-shops already advertise products through Google Shopping Ads, this choice will apply automatically.

Do you have Google Merchant, but you don’t advertise through Google Shopping?

If you want to advertise free of charge through Google Shopping tab you must have an XML feed uploaded in Google Merchant Center. You can upload feed in Merchant in the section Products → Feeds→ big blue button

Merchant shooping ads

How to set up cost-free advertise?

How to bulk remove, delete words before some tag

If you already have data for your products in Google Merchant, setup is really fast.

  • The section PRODUCTS → FEEDS → click on the name of XML feed
  • Click in SETTINGS → COUNTRY – choose the appropriate country
  • Edit target destinations ✓ SURFACES across Google → Save

After Google data updates, you will get clicks for free to your products from the Shopping tab.

Don´t you have Google Merchant, but you would like to advertise for free in Google Shopping tab?

At Blue Winston, we can simply help you with creating your Merchant account. And then you can send us your product XML feed, and we can prepare feed for your Google Merchant account. Of course, If you want, you can create a feed for Merchant on your own. Products are uploaded through API to Merchant and will be updated from your common product XML feed.

In our tool, you can target your campaign directly to Surfacess on Google. You can do this whether you want to advertise for free or improve the effectiveness of your already running campaigns.

How do I set up free advertising with BlueWinston?

It’s very simple. In just a few clicks, you can link your Merchant account to your BlueWinston account. Then just a few basic settings and you’re done with setting up Surfaces Across Google.

1. Register or sign up to BlueWinston.  2. In the menu click Feeds > Google Merchant feeds

sign in bluewinston

3. You’ll see a table asking you to access your Merchant account. This access is required to send data from BlueWinston to Google Merchant.

access your Merchant account.

4. The tool will ask you if you want to download products that you already have in Merchant, or if you want to upload new products directly from BlueWinston.

upload new products from bluewinston

5. Click “Merchant Center Login”.

merchant center login

6. Choose the account in which you have created a Merchant Center.

log in google merchant center

7. Click “Allow”.

log in google merchant center
setting up a product feed to advertise.

This way, you can easily connect everything you need to start advertising on Surfacess Across Google for free.

Next steps include setting up a product feed to advertise.

1. Click on the settings and select “Create new feed”.

create new feed

2. Fill in all required fields. You may notice a check mark in which destination to advertise.

google merchant feed

3. Fill in all the required fields according to your XML feed. We recommend that you check the ‘Use ads redirect attribute‘ to show your ads on all Google networks, such as Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube.

Use ads redirect attribute

4. In this section you need to fill in product categories. Fill in according to your XML feed.

fill in product categories

5. In the “Additional tag assignment” section, you can set additional tags such as Sale price, Condition, Age group, Gender, Shipping.

Additional tag assignment

6. You have the option to choose Google Product Category Taxonomy, which can help you with the performance of your Shopping campaigns.

Product Category Taxonomy

7. As a last step, you can add “custom labels”. This option is entirely up to you.

custom labels

8. All done! Everything is ready and your advertisement at Google’s Surfacess Across has just begun.

free advertising with BlueWinston

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Every single solution and feature is excellent, but all together bring you a powerful product advertising platform for achieving great results and huge time & cost savings!

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About the Author:

Account Manager and Content Creator at BlueWinston. I take an interest in online marketing, design, SEO and websites.