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Discover the main difference in Product ads tools for Google

We have 905 products like these below from segment: fridges

BEKO RCSA 330 K31PT with freezer

BEKO CSA 365 KD0X + 5 years warranty

Standalone fridge BEKO CSA 24021 AAA+ energy consumption

No.1 – Product campaigns with Text ads targeted on specific products

Product performance campaigns are highly targeted Text ads in Google search which work with long-tail keywords. Read more about benefits of long-tail keywords here. The only “problem” is fact, that product long-tail keywords have often “low search volume” status, that all other competitive tools can not deal with this status as we will see on example below.

Product ads in Google search

To successfully deliver product ads like these below -> you have to create / generate unique long-tail keywords for your products. For this purpose is by competition well known tag combination method which you can find of course in BlueWinston, too! We will show you the main difference and why you should use our tool and stop loose your money for non worthy tools!

Searching for BEKO CSA 365 KD0X in Google


A) TAG Combination method for generating product long-tail keywords

Thanks to tag combination method, you can combine <tags> from your XML product data feed to create Keywords pattern for automatic generating long-tail keywords for your products. In most cases, e-shops do not have defined each parts of product in stand alone tags like <manufacturer>, <model>, <type> etc. Therefore also in this case and in 90% of client’s cases we can work only with <product_names>.

Product long-tail keywords generated via TAG combination

BEKO RCSA 330 K31PT with freezer

Show long-tail keyword
+BEKO +RCSA +330 +K31PT +with +freezer

BEKO CSA 365 KD0X + 5 years warranty

Show long-tail keyword
+BEKO +CSA +365 +KD0X +5 +years +warranty

Standalone fridge BEKO CSA 24021 AAA+ energy consumption

Show long-tail keyword
+Standalone +fridge +BEKO +CSA +24021 +AAA +energy +consumption
Products with eligible keywords
Total products in campaign
Products with low search volume keywords
You will end with this number with any other competitive tool for generating product long-tail keywords and campaigns.
YES, you can manually hide words or phrases like (5 years warranty, fridge, freezer, standalone fridge, etc..), but be realists -> it is unreal to know all modifications and unnecessary words & phrases for all products now and what is important -> you have to think also in the future, because your clients still create & add new products into their e-shops!

B) World’s unique Truncating method for automatic finding new keyword variants

Thanks to truncating method, BlueWiston automatically finds suitable product long-tail keywords. It is very important, that all generated keywords are unique for specific product. If BlueWinston finds out that some phrases contains more than 1 product inside of XML (e-shop) it will not include those keywords inside of product ads not like other competitive tools which have duplicates even in tag combination method!.

Product long-tail keywords created by Truncating

BEKO RCSA 330 K31PT with freezer

Show generated product long-tail keywods
+BEKO +RCSA +330 +K31PT +with +freezer +BEKO +RCSA +330 +K31PT +with +freezer +BEKO +RCSA +330 +K31PT +with +freezer +BEKO +RCSA +330 +K31PT +with +freezer

BEKO CSA 365 KD0X + 5 years warranty

Show generated product long-tail keywods
+BEKO +CSA +365 +KD0X +5 +years +warranty +BEKO +CSA +365 +KD0X +5 +years +warranty +BEKO +CSA +365 +KD0X +5 +years +warranty +BEKO +CSA +365 +KD0X +5 +years +warranty

Standalone fridge BEKO CSA 24021 AAA+ energy consumption

Show generated product long-tail keywods
+Standalone +fridge +BEKO +CSA +24021 +AAA +energy +consumption +Standalone +fridge +BEKO +CSA +24021 +AAA +energy +consumption +Standalone +fridge +BEKO +CSA +24021 +AAA +energy +consumption +Standalone +fridge +BEKO +CSA +24021 +AAA +energy +consumption +Standalone +fridge +BEKO +CSA +24021 +AAA +energy +consumption
Products with eligible keywords
Total products in campaign
Products with low search volume keywords
+153 products have eligible keywords
Almost all products are covered! 99%
Competitive tool
TAG Combination methodYESYES, but limited

Learn about Truncating & Per-partes methods developed by BlueWinston

BluWinston funkcie, notebook so stĺpcovým grafom

No.2 – Product-Group campaigns for targeting groups of products

Product-Group text ads campaigns which have product ads targeted to the specific groups of products, so little more broad keywords. These product-groups are world’s unique campaigns and have much more eligible long-tail keywords -> impressions, clicks, %CTR and of course more conversions (acquisitions).

Not too many people know the exact name / model of specific products!

They just know only the part of the name for example “ELECTROLUX EJ 2801”.


Therefore BlueWinston developed unique truncating method how to find and mine unique phrases (shortened long-tail keywords) which will be targeting some very specific groups of products. In this case it is the specific fridge with brand and model but without specific type = product number.

Product-Group targeted Text ads in Google search

So people can see your product ads while they are searching for:


You will have automatically generated text ads for hundreds, thousands even tens of thousands of product – groups in just a few minutes. Automatically up to date prices from the lowest range.


After click on text group ad -> customer will be brought straight to the fulltext search result page within your e-shop for “ELECTROLUX EJ 2801” where he can see both 2 variants of this fridge

Automatically generated Product-Group Text ads will target the right fulltext search results within eshop, where customer will choose the best product

Total number of Product Groups
at least 0
Products are targeted via Group ad
All products covered! 100%
Competitive tool
Product – Group campaignsYESNO

With this solution you can get also other types of AdGroups & Keywords

Product – Group campaign (NON-type) -> for people who know only brand and model

image 2017-04-02 o 23.47.20

Product – Group campaign (NON-brand, +prefix) -> for people who know only model & type of fridge

image 2017-04-02 o 23.47.42

See for yourself the power of Group campaigns on Tires advertising

Look for yourself how unique Group campaigns could be for tires e-shop all over the worldTires e-shop all over the world could use this most most powerful feature “Product-Group campaigns” for creating unique Group text advertising for targeting their customers and bringing them straight to the fulltext search results.

See the case study for popgom.fr here…

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About the Author:

CEO at BlueWinston. I work in the ecommerce business for more than 6 years and I aspire to be always up-to-date with everything. I work very hard to push our team forward and achieve every set goal.