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  • case study drezy do kuchyne

Drezydokuchyne.sk | Long- term PNO 7,7% from BlueWinston campaigns

Drezydokuchyne.sk is a Slovak authorized dealer of kitchen sinks, appliances and bathroom products. You can buy products from them only from the official Slovak distribution, which is a great advantage, especially in the case of warranty and post-warranty service.Their portfolio of sink brands is the widest on the market while maintaining professional service and a human approach to the customer and that is why they have become the dominant players in their segment shortly after launch. In addition, their standard services such as free returns, a money back guarantee of up to 100 days or an extended warranty are rather unique in this segment.
We had certain expectations when launching Blue Winstone ads, as we tested this platform in the past. Above all, we wanted to have our product portfolio covered and advertise on all the products we offer in the e-shop. We compared BW with competing solutions and we have to to state that we are made the right decision. In addition to providing us with product advertising for more than 12,000 products at Blue Winston, we have been able to increase profits. In addition, ad results have improved from month to month. I would like to highlight the great approach of the professionals from Blue Winston, who were helpful to us in everything and always came out to meet.
Matej Mikuš, Drezy do Kuchyne

Summary of results of PPC campaigns in Google Ads

For comparison, we chose the same period in 2019 and 2020, in the first period only manual campaigns were used and in the second period the BlueWinston campaigns also.

We compare these metrics

  • Clicks / Conversions (Conversion Rate)
  • Average cost per order (PNO)

All search campaigns in Google 1.2. 2019 – 30.6. 2019 Click / conversion rate

Click and conversion rate

We present a graph of the ratio of the number of clicks and the number of conversions, where in the period 1.2 – 30.6 2019 the results of all search campaigns showed the number of conversions 1529,85 with the number of clicks 16,493. The conversion rate was 9,28%.

All search campaigns with using BlueWinston 1.2 2020 – 30.6 2020 Click / conversion rate

Click and conversion rate BW

In the period 1.2 – 30.6.2020, when using the PPC tool BlueWinston, the number of clicks reached 26 888 and the number of conversions was 884,73. The conversion rate was 3,30%. The total number of clicks increased by 63%.

We believe that the lower conversion rate may be related to restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, meaning that people were more cautious when shopping. Better PNO could have been due to more effective campaigns as well as lower competition, as many e-shops did not have PPC campaigns running at the time.

For example, here is one month from each year

April 2019

April 2020


We can say that the client Drezydokuchyne.sk also increased the number of clicks by 78% in April 2020 thanks to BlueWinston. Although the number of conversions decreased compared to the same period in the previous year, the PNO improved significantly, which made the campaigns more efficient. As we can see below.

Comparison of PNO metrics

Search campaigns without BlueWinston / Period 1.2 – 30.6 2019

Search campaigns without BlueWinston

The total PNO for Google Search campaigns for the specified period of 2019 is 28,62%. This is a relatively high PNO, which is not entirely satisfactory in PPC campaigns.

Campaigns with BlueWinston / Period 1.2 – 30.6 2020

Campaigns with BlueWinston

The total PNO in the monitored period in 2020 reached the value of 7,20%, which is far below the level of the current average level of PNO (usually 10-20%), from which we can conclude that using the BlueWinston tool, the client Drezydokuchyne.sk reduced in 2020 its PNO by more than 20% percentage points.

Here we can see a summary of BlueWinston campaigns – values for the total period:


The total spend of the campaign is € 2343 and the total value of conversions brought by the BlueWinston campaign is € 30616,32. Thus, for the entire period, the spend / total conversion metric is 7,7% (PNO).

Number and types of campaigns

Product text campaigns


Product – Group campaigns


Product DSA campaigns


Regarding issues that occurred during the creation of campaigns:

  • We didn’t know how to effectively create product campaigns for thousands of products
  • Creating keywords and ads manually would be very challenging

BlueWinston helped with the solution:

  • Easy and fast creation of product campaigns for the kitchen segment (Sinks, Faucets, Sets of sinks and faucets)
  • Update prices in product ads according to the current state of the e-shop.
  • Individual campaigns for different categories in the e-shop (separate budget, bidding strategy).
  • Scripts that automatically streamline campaigns (pause ineffective keywords).
  • Link a Product Text Campaign to a DSA-P campaign so that only products that can’t be advertised through keywords are advertised through DSA.

PPC nástroj BlueWinston znížil celkové PNO vo všetkých vyhľadávacích Google kampaniach

BlueWinston increased the number of clicks by 63% compared to 2019 to 26 888 clicks in a given period.

is a Slovak authorized dealer of kitchen sinks, appliances and bathroom products. You can buy products from them only from the official Slovak distribution, which is a great advantage, especially in the case of warranty and post-warranty service.

BlueWinston.com is PPC tool which helps to automate product campaigns for Google – it is very easy to create Product Text Ads and Smart Shopping Ads. Campaigns are updated from XML feed.

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About the Author:

Account manager for BlueWinston. Love to look for new trends in digital marketing | Love post daily #instasotries to company Instagram or my own at free time. My quote :''I hate Mondays, so wish you nice Tuesday.''