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eXXpozed.de | Results from BlueWinston A/B testing

eXXpozed is a German online store that offers clothes, shoes, and equipment from exclusive brands for every kind of outdoor sport. Here you will find more than 100,000 products from climbing equipment for beginners to expedition equipment for professionals. Andreas Oliver Bindhammer, a satisfied user of BlueWinston, is at the forefront of the company’s entire philosophy.
With BlueWinston you can quickly implement and optimize extensive, data feed based Adwords campaigns for a variety of products. For me this is a real added value compared to other solutions.
Andreas Oliver Bindhammer, eXXpozed

What needed to be solved?

With such a large number of products of different brands and categories, it would be very difficult to manually manage campaigns through Google Ads. That’s why using BlueWinston was the right choice to save time, simplify campaigns, and keywords creation, and automate them.

How did Blue Winston help?

Since we started from scratch, without historical data in the client’s Google Ads account, we had to think about what structure of campaigns would be appropriate.

For initial testing, we selected the two best-selling brands according to the client’s recommendations (Fjällräven and Arcteryx). After about a month of testing, we found that the use of group campaigns had the best effect in this segment. Customers are interested in different variations. They use to choose between colors and product alternatives. Additional group campaigns have been added for other product brands.

We also did A/B testing with the client. As an example, we can mention campaigns for the Fjällräven brand, where we prepared two variants of campaigns for testing.

Campaign A

In Campaign A, we used the creation of longer keywords (Product type + Brand + Model) using Exact and BroadModifier matches.

Campaign B

In Campaign B, we tested the results of shorter keywords (Brand + Model) using Exact and Phrase matches.

The results

We can compare the results of both campaigns in the period of 1 month from their launch (1.5. – 1.6. 2020) with the same budget, launched on the same day.

Campaign A


Campaign B



The first month of testing was followed by a decrease in the budget for Campaign A (with longer keywords) and an increase in the budget for Campaign B (with shorter keywords), as the client chose to keep both campaigns running. We then optimized both campaigns (excluding irrelevant keywords or high-spend keywords).

And what next?

Since text campaigns are doing well, we may consider adding Smart Shopping campaigns as another plan at BlueWinston. As well as with text campaigns, we’ll filter products by brand. Finally, we would like to add our recommendation to use our CSS service when running Smart Shopping campaigns to save up to 20% per click.


eXXpozed is a German online store that offers clothes, shoes, and equipment from exclusive brands for every kind of outdoor sport. Here you will find more than 100,000 products from climbing equipment for beginners to expedition equipment for professionals. Andreas Oliver Bindhammer, a satisfied user of BlueWinston, is at the forefront of the company’s entire philosophy.

BlueWinston.com is PPC tool which helps to automate product campaigns for Google – it is very easy to create Product Text Ads and Smart Shopping Ads. Campaigns are updated from XML feed. There is no problem about using Thai language in feeds and Smart Shopping Ads.

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About the Author:

Account Manager for BlueWinston. I take care of our clients and help them create and optimize campaigns. I enjoy writing blogs on topics in the field of PPC advertising and preparing a case studies with interesting results that we achieved through BlueWinston.