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Keywords creation

Automated Product Search Ads Keywords Creation

See how you can create keywords for your products with our unique types of product campaigns

Tvorba kľúčových slov, modro-čierny bicykel

CTM Axon 2018 blue woman

XML product data feed
Keyword Status Product campaign Product - Group campaign
CTM Axon 2016 blue woman low search volume
CTM Axon 2016 blue eligible
CTM Axon 2016 eligible
CTM Axon eligible
Unique solution

Product campaign

In order to create ads for specific product, you can use one of our features as tag combination or truncating. Using them, you can avoid “low search volume” keywords status. In result you will be able to advertise on more products than with any other competitive application.

User looking for specific product with exact type

Tvorba kľúčových slov, Google ads reklama na noetbooku s bicyklom

Product – Group campaign

Winston creates unique keywords by truncating your product names. In case you have more than one product which have the same string in product name, Winston can automatically create Group campaign targeted on Group of products. Clicking on product group ad (see below), your customer will be redirected to fulltext search results right on your e-shop.

User looking for specific product not knowing exact type

Product Group text ad in Google search

* The advantage of working with long-tail key words (for example, CTM Axon 2016 yellow) lies in the fact, that a customer enters such expression to Google Search only after he/she has decided to buy a particular product, type, colour or even size. In average, product-oriented campaigns have 3-9% conversion rate. In some cases, we have registered 17% conversion rate! In terms of long-tail key words, competition is much more lower, because the expression is often very specific and that’s why the costs for advertising are lower.



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On the left side of the picture is a man smiling and on the right side is text that shows the key steps in preparing to become a determined buyer.