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Get even more information about bidding thanks to top signals

Smart bidding is a great way to automate some of your processes to make advertising more efficient. Because the entire burden of setting optimum bids carries machine learning, the problem may be lack of information about what actually affects your ad performance. That is changing now.Google has decided to add a report of top signals to Smart bidding. These are factors that affect your ad performance, giving you a closer look at the behavior of your customers.In addition to the individual signals listed below, the report will also include possible combinations of them – for example, whether people who searched for “running shoes” on Monday were more likely to convert (complete the purchase).Top signals may include:
  • type of device,
  • location,
  • day of week,
  • time of day,
  • keywords,
  • and others.
The goal of this update is to increase the transparency of Smart bidding and simplify the planning of a broader marketing strategy.Initially, top signals will be available for Search campaigns that use either Target CPA (cost-per-acquisition)strategy or Maximize conversions.

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About the Author:

Consultant for online business and marketing. Holder of every Google Ads certification. Account manager for BlueWinston and Shopping in EU. CSS Hero. Gamer.