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How does Visitero use BlueWinston for e-shop clients?

Hi Adrian, could you tell us more about Visitero? What online activities do you focus on the most?

Hi Martin, of course. Visitero is a digital marketing agency that has been helping clients start and grow their business in the online world for over 6 years.

The focus of our services is comprehensive, but our priority is to help clients set up, manage and optimize their Google Ads and social media campaigns. We also help clients with email marketing, social media management and have created over 100 websites that we also actively manage. Our portfolio includes mainly hotels, e-shops, various e-commerce platforms, technology companies or entrepreneurs who want to successfully sell online and build their brand in the online environment.

How does your agency use BlueWinston and which of our benefits do you value the most?

BlueWinston became a part of our services several years ago. In the past we used a similar tool from a competitor but the simplicity, clarity and their professional support quickly convinced us that it was time for a change. We currently offer BlueWinston to both larger and smaller e-commerce clients as part of our service package. For clients with dozens, hundreds or thousands of products, it is physically impossible for us to keep track of constant changes in pricing, inventory and the client’s overall product offering. BlueWinston is great in the overall setup, management and overview of campaigns making it very simple and efficient. With the use of the platform, we are able to add value to our clients, which is especially evident in quantifiable results.

Could you share with us an example of how you have deployed BlueWinston campaigns for a particular client?

A great example is a long-time client of ours that sells printer toners. There are several options for searching for toner – you can have the box from the original toner in front of you, or you can have an empty cartridge and just search on Google the serial number of it. You can also just have the printer you need to buy the toner for in front of you. At the same time, people also search for toner, cartridge, printer cartridge, printer ink, or various other synonyms that you need to cover in your search. At the same time, toners can be compatible with multiple printers, so you know that there are quite a few brands, models and types of printers in circulation. Implementing these campaigns manually to cover all searches would be truly impossible.

At the beginning, we fine-tuned product feeds with the client. One feed was product-oriented, and therefore specific to toners, including their name and serial number. The other feeds were focused on specific printer brands, so we were able to cover the demand for toners based on brands, models and printer types. We then just plugged this into BlueWinston, set up the campaigns with different keyword match types, budgets, dynamic creatives with price display and launched. The first results didn’t take long to come in, and by subsequently optimizing the campaigns with keyword exclusions and optimizing the product offerings, we got consistently favorable results that have persisted to this day. We have been working with our client for more than 4 years and have been using BlueWinston to manage our product campaigns for almost all of that time.

Since you’ve been using BlueWinston for a long time, you’ve probably noticed things we could improve as well. What are 3 things you would like us to improve?

This might sound unbelievable, but we’ve always been happy with the functionalities and I probably can’t find 3 things. One improvement we would appreciate in BlueWinston would be more detailed management of user accounts. Since our team is growing dynamically, it would be nice if different colleagues could have their own approaches that are centrally manageable. But apart from that, I think BlueWinston is very quick to react to all the latest news and trends that Google regularly brings us and is constantly working on improving the platform and the results are really visible. So I have nothing to complain about, I can only say – great job!

In addition to BlueWinston, you also use our CSS service Shopping in EU. How do you rate this service and what are the benefits for your clients?

I think the CSS service brings a lot of benefits to our clients. When using it, we are able to manage campaigns for clients much more efficiently not only in terms of cost, but also in terms of the results themselves. The implementation or transition is very simple and of course the advantage is that there is no additional cost for CSS Shopping in EU when using BlueWinston. As you remember in the early days of your CSS service we did a benchmark test where we ran the same campaign setup through CSS Google and then through you. The results spoke clearly in your favor – at a similar cost level, we were able to deliver better results for the client with a lower conversion rate and higher ROAS. We use the service automatically with every client we have in BlueWinston and will continue to do so.

Thank you so much for the interview!

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)