How to deal with Text ads disapproval reasons?

Disapproved text ads in Google AdWordsa because of symbolsIt’s very often that your text ads are disapproved because of some reasons like

  • symbols,
  • trademark policy,
  • or something else…

When you create new product campaign via BlueWinston – it is automatically uploaded withing few minutes right into your AdWords account. Thanks to API connection between BlueWinston vs. AdWords, we are getting news about bad words inside your previously created text ads (Ad Patterns) or keywords.

However, sometimes happens that AdWords from time to time disapproves some of your text ads because of bad words.

Using “bad words” table inside BlueWinston

image 2017-03-09 o 21.25.44Thanks to BlueWinston’s integrated functionality called “Bad words”, you are able to add these bad words right into the list of bad words.

image 2017-03-09 o 21.25.55You have to just click on “Insert custom Bad Word” and add the symbol or word / phrase right into the textbox.

Result is newly added “Bad Word” in the table which is than automatically deleted from your Text ads created via “Ad patterns” creator in BlueWinston’s campaigns. So you do not need to go to edit every campaign any more…

List of bad words downloaded from Google AdWords in BlueWinston tool

Agency services from Winston Bros Ltd.

Do you have problems with creating campaigns? You do not have enough time or people to deal with creating and managing product campaigns using BlueWinston? Contact us …

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About the Author:

CEO at BlueWinston. I work in the ecommerce business for more than 6 years and I aspire to be always up-to-date with everything. I work very hard to push our team forward and achieve every set goal.