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Market24: How do they use BlueWinston for expansion to Hungary and the Czech Republic

Market 24 is an e-shop that offers a wide variety of toys and products for children, such as strollers, car seats, tricycles, bouncers, blankets, beanies, and more. In addition, they also sell household and family products, sports equipment, and health goods.

The e-shop offers more than 60,000 different products and at the same time, they are also an importer of brands like Casualplay, Play, Puky, and others. Another advantage is fast delivery, i.e. within 2 days of ordering. The e-shop operates in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary. In total, the e-shop had a turnover of around 1 000 000€ in 2021.

The problem that Market 24 needed to solve:

When expanding to the Czech Republic and Hungary, the client wanted to launch Performance Max Google campaigns from the start. Their goal was to get the highest ROAS and the most orders possible. They also wanted to split the products into several campaigns so that they could better manage the campaigns and thus get higher performance.

The e-shop brand is already somewhat known in the Czech Republic but is almost unknown in Hungary. Because of that, the client had to set realistic expectations regarding the performance of the campaigns. To jumpstart the campaigns they decided to choose a lower ROAS percentage of around 800% which should be gradually increased as the campaigns gather more data.

How did BlueWinston help with this issue?

1. Performance Max campaigns – product distribution

The client divided the products from the Merchant account into two P. Max campaigns via BlueWinston. In each campaign, they used a couple of filters at the same time. This way they divided the products according to categories, prices, and, brands. If necessary, they can now simply pause products that are not performing or that they don’t want to advertise.

The P. Max campaigns were launched without Assets so that they can focus mainly on Shopping ads. After the campaigns grow a bit more, they will add assets to target ads on other Google networks (Youtube, Content Network, Gmail).

At the same time, through BlueWinston, they also enabled scripts that automatically optimize P. Max campaigns. With this addition, when products have poor performance and are not paused manually, they will still be paused by the campaign optimization script.

2. Shopping in EU CSS – optimized CPC

For Merchant accounts, the client also decided to use our CSS, so we get the benefit of the CPC reduction. The CSS can increase the performance of the P. Max and Shopping campaigns by up to 20%. Thanks to the use of the CSS service, the campaigns have reduced CPC, and thus for the same budget, the client gets more clicks and impressions. At the same time, they have an advantage over the competition, which does not yet use the benefits of CSS partners. Since Market 24 uses BlueWinston, they have our CSS service Shopping in EU free of charge.

What do the ads on Google look like?

In the screenshot below, you can see the Shopping ad from the Market-24.cz e-shop, in this case, it is a Puky children’s bouncer. As you can see in the advertisement, the e-shop uses our CSS service Shopping in EU.

Campaign results

As for the results of the campaigns, in this case, we will compare two different markets – campaigns in Hungary and the Czech Republic. Market 24 has launched the same P. Max campaigns in both countries and the only differences in the results are caused by the different recognition of the brand and the competition in the given market.

November 2022 Hungary Czech Republic
PMax campaigns 781% ROAS 926% ROAS
PMax campaigns 140 conversions 180 conversions

Statement of the owner of the e-shop

“We have been active on the Czech market for a longer period of time, which is why our brand is better known there, and therefore conversions are also higher. Hungary is a new market for us, where we are currently starting to operate. We expect conversions to gradually increase to the target level.” – Igor Ďatko, owner


The campaigns in November 2022 brought ROAS of around 800%. Considering the fact that it is a smaller e-shop in the Czech Republic and an unknown e-shop in Hungary, these are quite decent results. As data is collected in the campaigns, we expect that the results will improve and that the ROAS of 1000% can be easily reached.

The client’s next goal is to gradually fine-tune campaigns, either manually or automatically. In BlueWinston this can be achieved by continuously manually pausing low-performing products and using our built-in scripts.

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)