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Microsoft Ads news and updates

Microsoft Ads is a forward-thinking advertising platform that brings a lot of great news and improvements. It offers a wide range of targeting options and tools for precise ad targeting, where with the constant evolution of algorithms and technology, it is able to deliver effective and profitable campaigns for its clients. With the support of Microsoft and its rich data resources, this platform is able to provide ad campaigns with a strong foundation and competitive advantage. In addition, Microsoft Ads regularly updates its tools and features, which we’ll talk a bit more about today.

Microsoft Ads guarantees 3 opportunities for better effectiveness of your ad campaigns:

  • EVEN MORE INTERESTING ADS Creating ads that are natural and relevant.
  • A MORE VALUABLE AUDIENCE The opportunity to reach unique audiences across the Microsoft network.
  • BETTER RESULTS WITH LESS EFFORT Availability of useful and high-performing tools.

P. Max Campaigns

Microsoft Ads introduces the Performance Max campaign as a type of campaign that leverages the full potential of Microsoft automation to get conversions. Your proposed strategy with defined goals or means is implemented by Microsoft Ads AI, which creates and then optimizes ads on all networks of this advertising space according to your specific ideas and wishes. In addition to AI-powered recommendations, it also provides its automated bids or varied formatting or placement, predicts ad targeting, and reports its audience signals.

Predicted P. Max functionalities in Microsoft Ads

As we mentioned before, MAds is constantly updating its tools, adding many new features to maximize campaign performance. For 2024, Microsoft Advertising has included a number of enhanced campaign capabilities in its plans, which it will implement on a quarterly basis.

.Max options during 2024 shown in the table

According to the table above, it is clear that the P.Max ads operating in various media will soon be joined by the extension of URLs with feedy pages, thus MAds will be able to verify the indexation of all relevant pages and decide in the first place when to show ads and therefore where on your site to direct visitors. Other features that will be added shortly will be, for example, the possibility to specify conversion value rules, the possibility to exclude tags at the campaign level, the possibility to block auto-generated text elements or the possibility of automated CTAs, etc. During the summer months, Mads is planning to implement the ability to exclude audiences that are not interested in your ad campaigns. This means that he will be able to allow you to precisely target your target audience and therefore ensure that you are not wasting your funds.

Netflix – Microsoft Ads partner

Microsoft recently said that it has entered into a partnership with Netflix to support its advertising needs for a particular version of the product. Although the basic subscription remains ad-free, there is an opportunity to advertise effectively on the cheaper subscription version of Netflix. This version, which incorporates ads into movie playback, is only operating in certain markets for the time being, but expansion is certainly planned.

How to increase your reach in P. MAx?

Behind one of the recommendations on how to make your ads better and more effective is the image extension. MAds can provide you with increased engagement through the use of an appropriate image in your ads. It’s important to choose the right image, and therefore one that your audience can identify with. That is, at the same time, by inserting images into your audience search campaigns, you extend the reach of those ads to influencers requiring images. At the same time, with this greater ad reach in search results, you’ll stand out among your competitors, which means you’ll attract a lot of attention as well. In this way, you can increase your reach or brand awareness in up to 32 different markets through ads.

Another recommended factor that needs to be reconsidered in the context of campaign effectiveness is the choice of budget. Many campaigns have set a limited budget, but with that budget they miss out on opportunities for clicks or conversions, while also running the risk of losing impression share, giving room to competing ads. MAds gives you a visual dashboard that shows you all the details of budget (budget settings, budget-based performance trends) and spend (trends and recommendation with respect to spend) in one. The important thing is to identify, review and prioritize campaigns with limited budgets, and in light of this, take steps such as increasing/reallocating budgets with the ability to maintain continuous ad traffic, implementing ad plans, or considering shared budgets that get you to increase your campaign reach.


With the new tools and features, there is even more control over your campaigns and their success. These innovations contribute to an effective and competitive online advertising strategy. In fact, Microsoft Ads is becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to Google Ads, providing more options and opportunities for business growth. It’s important for marketers to keep up to date with these changes and leverage their full potential to ensure the success of their campaigns.

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About the Author:

Copywriter and Social Media Specialist for BlueWinston. I enjoy creative work, which is why I’m always ready to dive into writing articles, creating graphics, or redesigning websites. Outside of work, I love an active lifestyle, tasty foods, and volleyball.