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Product Search Text Ads

Product Search Text Ads on Microsoft Ads

Create ads for every single product on your e-shop in Microsoft Ads in just a few minutes. With the help of automation in BlueWinston, you can generate keywords and ads with just a few clicks.

Benefits of Product Text Ads

Key Benefits of Product Text Ads in Bing Search

Creating text ads for thousands of products in Microsoft Ads can be a time-consuming process. With us, all you need to do is connect your product feed. The tool will guide you through campaign creation in a matter of minutes. You don’t need to use any regex or other complex keyword parsing functions from product names.

Why should you create Product Search Ads in BlueWinston?

✓ You don’t use any complex keyword parsing methodsAdvanced product filtering (product name, category, price, etc.) ✓ Automatic creation of keywords or combination of XML tagsTargeting an individual product in the e-shop

Product Text Search Ads on Microsoft via Blue Winston

Automate Microsoft Product Text Ads for up to 30 days for free.

Try Product Text Ads

Customers who know the products search by exact names. Don’t miss a sale, start using Product Text campaigns.

Keyword creation and Ad Patterns

Keyword creation and Ad Patterns

Imagine that you have 3,000 products in your e-shop and you need to create unique keywords and relevant ads for each one.

That’s why BlueWinston brings you:

Keyword creation by product name truncation ✓ Truncation by length, duplicates finder, etc. ✓ Combination of tags from the product XML file ✓ Use of tags from the XML file in ad templates ✓ Updated ads and XML files every 6 hours

What benefits await you if you start using BlueWinston?

  • Effortless campaign creation → Copy your Google campaign settings directly to Microsoft campaigns

  • Unique advertising → Be among the first Product Text Ads in the Bing search
  • Low cost per click → The overall cost of this type of campaign is much lower than P.Max ads
  • High quality of targeting → Reach customers who really know your product
  • Click-through rate → Comparable % CTR as from Google Ads campaigns
  • Competition → Microsoft Ads is a newer platform and therefore there are fewer competitors

No need to learn anything. Just reach out to us and we will create Microsoft Product Search Ads for free!

Try creating campaigns with our 30-days free trial.

Create your Blue Winston account
How to create product campaigns for Microsoft Ads in BlueWinston
What campaign structure do we recommend for Microsoft Ads?
Free 250€ Microsoft Ads Voucher
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On the left side of the picture is a man smiling and on the right side is text that shows the key steps in preparing to become a determined buyer.