BlueWinston makes it possible for us to advertise effectively the wide range of our products. With automated actions, we can be sure our ads are well optimized and up-to-date. The strong support of DevaGroup with its dedicated team is a game-changer. They provide well-tailored marketing solutions to match the needs of our business.
The problem we tried to solve
- a plethora of products needed to be advertised on Google Search
- creation of unique Keywords and Ads for every single product
- how to advertise keywords, which are suitable for 2 or more products (the same keyword can be used for 2 or more products)
How BlueWinston helped?
- fast creation of thousands of keywords (specific for every book)
- filtering products in the campaigns (e.g. only books published in 2018, 2019, 2020)
- advertising for books that could not otherwise be advertised (product DSA campaigns)
Duplicity keywords – automatically added to Product – Group text campaigns, the user is taken from the Google Search to Search result page on the e-shop, and then can choose between different authors or years:
Automatically generated Search URL, in this case, look like this: https://www.ksiegarnia.beck.pl/catalogsearch/result/?q=Kodeks+karny+skarbowy+Komentarz
There are at least two books “Kodeks karny skarbowy. Komentarz” from different authors:
- prof. dr. hab. Leszek Wilk, book published in 2020
- dr. hab. prof. Grezegorz Skowronek, book published in 2019
The results from March 2021
Conversion rate
BlueWinston has very successfully created keywords and ads for a number of products, with regular updates on the prices in the ads. The results there is a high conversion rate, a low cost per order (CoS), and a high clickthrough rate (CTR).

BlueWinston.com About PPC tool BlueWinston – specialized PPC tool for effortless creation of Product campaigns for Google. You can create Product text and Smart Shopping campaigns pretty quicklike and use filters for products (price, category, margin, custom labels, etc.)