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  • Quick guide to Google Analytics #4 – Get to know the behavior of your visitors

Quick guide to Google Analytics #4 – Get to know the behavior of your visitors

New visit on your page does not have to mean immediate success. You can have many visits, but if your visitors are not purchasing, they do not bring any added value to your business.Before moving to purchases themselves, read more about what influences the behavior of the visitors on your website. In this, already fourth blog of our Google Analytics guide series, we are going to go through several reports that will provide you closer insight about the actions taken by your visitors.

Why should you care about the visitors behavior?

Firstly, you will figure out how these people move on your website – how do they move among the pages and so forth. You will detect issues, including non-interesting or little interactive content. Generally, you will get a chance to reorganize your web so that it would lead the visitors to purchase and repeated visit. Come and discover with us five essential reports that will help you with this work.

1. Behavior flow

This report visualizes visitors´ behavior on your website. From the very first to the very last displayed page. Thanks to this you will find out what content they interact with the best.Also, it will help you to detect issues on your website. Among them, for instance, long clicking through from marking the product to the payment, or also maybe a content which does not convince the visitors to click further. Then you should consider optimization of the content and maybe add some CTA phrases.

2. Site content

This report shows you detailed data about pages on your website. For instance the way people enter your webpage, what device they use, etc. Based on this you can evaluate performance of your site´s content.When you will figure out what content the visitors interact the best with, it may be either some blog or product, you can further direct your business this way.

 3. Site speed

Site speed tells you more about how fast your content loads on one´s device, so you can detect places on your website that need to be optimized to shorten the loading time.The problem does not have to be necessarily on your site, but it might be in the device of the user. The report will show you through what device user enters your website, where does he come from and what is his landing page.

4. Site search

When you will find out what terms are your visitors searching for, you can make this content more accessible (for instance by adding it to menu). At the same time you will figure out what people demand in your field of business.

5. Events

According to Google Analytics, an event is an interaction of the user with the content. You may track them independently from the website or loading screen. They include file downloads, mobile ad clicks, video views, form filling and so forth.If you want to track these data, add a code of events tracking to your web or to your application.Assessing the content may not be that easy, but Google Analytics will make the work much easier for you. The five introduced reports are just a part of the work, this tool will help you with. If you are still hesitant about Google Analytics account, we have one more blog in this series for you – about conversions. There we will speak more about the analysis of your ecommerce and sales. 

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)