Non-video paid advertising formats on YouTube

YouTube has a few unique benefits that make it worthwhile to advertise your products. We recently mentioned video ad opportunities to present your business through. But if you're not ready to shoot, there's no need to feel sad about it. You can also choose one of several non-video ad formats. Video ads are efficient, but time-consuming and

Why does each seller experience a different effect of 20% discount of Google CSS partner?

When you switch your Google Merchant from Google Shopping CSS to Google Partner CSS when creating Google Shopping ads, you get up to 20% off on bids as an advantage over those advertising through Google Shopping CSS. For some retailers, this discount will take effect immediately, for others it will be less visible - what

Google Ads Smart Bidding strategy – Maximize conversion value

Several updates awaiting Google Ads have been introduced at Google Marketing Live. One of these concerns Smart Bidding, which uses machine learning to set the optimal cost-per-click (CPC. Most recently, you'll be able to reach this optimum cost by using a maximize conversion value strategy. There is a new addition to classic smart bidding strategies

What is Google ads Bid Simulator and how to Use it?

Bid simulators help determine how the prices of your ads affect their performance over the week. It is possible to use two types of these simulators: Manual type of simulator Smart Bidding Simulator How do they work? Simulators collect search and network advertising data from ad auctions. In ad

Google Merchant: How to apply your product data feed

To upload your products to Google Merchant Center, you must first create a feed to upload your data. This step is required for each new feed. Once you have created it, you do not need to register it again, just update it.  Primary feeds Your primary feed is a data source used by Merchant Center

Google Merchant: Supported file formats

Product feeds you want to upload to your Merchant Center must be supported. In this article, we will show you which of them are supported and what are they. Text (spreadsheet) This format is relatively simple. The headers include attribute names separated by tabs. The next line contains the corresponding values that appear under the

Google Merchant: Build your product data

Once you're done creating and setting up your Merchant account, it's time to create and upload your product data.  Primary and supplemental feeds Before you start reading this, you should visit our previous blog. A feed is a file that contains all the information about the products you sell. Attributes that allow customers to search for your

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