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  • coronavirus and ecommerce business

Which segments were most affected by the Covid-19 situation in Slovakia?

Covid-19 coronavirus is the main topic these days. It is also no exception in connection with the question of how this situation affects e-commerce in Slovakia. Since March, most people in Slovakia have been staying safe in their homes, and they only go out if necessary. This is precisely the consequence of changes in consumers’ preferences and shopping behavior. In this article, we will look at which product categories have seen a significant increase or decrease in interest among Slovak customers.

Which segment did the best? 

We relied on a survey conducted by one of the largest price and quality comparators of e-shops in Slovakia. Pricemania.sk compiled a ranking of top 30 categories according to the number of clicks to e-shops from individual categories, comparing the first half of April 2020 with the previous year 2019 on a sample of 200,000 visits.

From the given results, we selected 10 segments that were the most interesting for us and had either a rapid increase or a sharp decline in customer interest.

As coronavirus also has a significant effect on human contact and communication, it should come as no surprise that people’s interest in buying webcams has increased by 44,867%. It is a very simple way to be in touch with your loved ones and satisfy the need for socialization.

The second place was dominated by the disinfection category, which recorded an increase in clicks of 28,600% compared to last year. Due to the lack of goods in the stone shops, customers were obliged to order disinfection via the Internet. People in a panic buy more pieces at once and are even willing to pay more for these goods than ever before.

We could notice that stocks of flour or yeast also disappeared in the shops, so we can observe an increased demand of people when buying home bread bakeries by 14,829%. And in addition to housewives, many women became clever seamstresses who were able to sew face masks on their own at home, thanks to the sewing machines purchased. These became more popular by 11,462%.

CategoryClicks 1.-14.4.2020 vs. 1-14.4.2019
Webcam+44 867 %
Desinfection  +28 600 %
Home bread bakery+14 829 %
Sewing machines+11 462 %
Treadmills+2 829 %
Weight benches+2 700 %
Trampolines+1 253 %
Garden swings+528,77 %
Summer tires-29,70 %
Sporttesters-25,50 %

Source: Pricemania.sk

What is more successful and what is less?

Everyday stays in the comfort of home offer people to use their free time, which they usually do not have so much in addition to work or school. This is also the reason for searching for product categories, such as treadmills (+2,829%), fitness benches (+2,700%), trampolines (+2,354%) or garden swings (+288.77%). Most Slovaks these days are wondering – when to start exercising and enjoy their free days, if not now?

On the other hand, not all categories have become more attractive to customers. As an example, we can mention summer tires, which compared to 2019 recorded a decrease in clicks by 29.70%. Although tire repair shops in Slovakia are open during the epidemic, consumers do not consider the purchase of new summer tires a necessity and prefer products from the other categories mentioned above. Similarly, the demand for sports testers, which fell by 25.50%.

ProductGrowth in %
Washing machines+52,90 %
Fridges+53,54 %
TV+209,81 %
Hobs+22,51 %
Dishwashers+27,24 %

What about our clients?

We chose one large Slovak e-shop that uses BlueWinston.com and compared some other segments and year-on-year increases in clicks, 1.3. – 20.4.2020 1.3 – 20.4.2019.

Here it must be said that the year-on-year growth in e-commerce is often as much as 20-30%, all in addition, there are various fluctuations, a change in the e-commerce environment, and customer behavior.

In this case, we see that during the crown of the crisis, users also bought televisions above average, and then also Washing Machines and Refrigerators.

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About the Author:

Consultant for online business and marketing. Holder of every Google Ads certification. Account manager for BlueWinston and Shopping in EU. CSS Hero. Gamer.