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  • Why DSA still learning without impressions

Why DSA still learning without impressions?

In some cases, you see that DSA campaign is learning and maybe you have a question: How can the Bluewinston DSA campaigns start generating traffic right away instead of wasting time on ‘learning’?Here is a lot of staff about DSAs: https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/2471185?hl=en&ref_topic=3119126

In many cases the time of “learning” in DSA campaigns depends from:

  • number of indexed product pages in Google Index
  • time for learning depends also on the number of products within the DSA campaign
  • time for learning depends also on the number of days (how long the campaign is online -> it takes some time)
  • it depends also on the fact that if you have somewhere else real keywords which could be used in the DSA campaign -> traffic will come to them! mostly to [exact match type keywords]
  • check if there are no negative keywords
  • beware of the domain language => you have to set that language which is used on target / auto-target URL(s) of your text ads for DSA
You can review the ”Website coverage” column in Google Ads to see the percentage of pages that belong to a dynamic ad target. It will tell you the percentage of landing pages – all the pages in your website’s domain that Google has indexed – that belong to the same category, contain certain words in the page title, use the same URL snippet, or have common phrases in the content of the website itself.If you can’t see the “Website coverage” column, add it to the table. Please note that it can take up to 72 hours to expose the website coverage of each auto-target if you start a new Dynamic Search Ad campaign.Note that seeing “–,” rather than a number, as the coverage means that there are no pages targeted at all, so this dynamic ad target will get no traffic.

Other reasons your Dynamic Search Ads might not appear as expected

Your Dynamic Search Ads can show instead of your keyword-based campaigns when the keywords in your keyword-based campaigns are active, paused, or removed.Your Dynamic Search Ads won’t show when a customer’s search term exactly matches one of your eligible exact-match keywords in the same account. 

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)