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Why is conversion tracking important in Microsoft Ads?

We are often asked why e-shops should start advertising on Microsoft Search Network (Bing, DuckDuckGo, AOL, Yahoo and others). The basic principle is to extend the advertising and therefore get orders from another channel. In addition, there is also the advantage of much less competition compared to advertising on Google search, and therefore a lower cost per click. In terms of performance metrics (ROAS, ACoS), the results are comparable to campaigns on Google search.

Start your journey on the Microsoft Search Network efficiently by using the BlueWinston Enjoy similar results that you are already familiar with on Google Search.

How to track conversions in Microsoft Advertising

Before you run campaigns through Microsoft Ads, you need to have conversion tracking properly set up. It’s recommended to set up tracking right from the start of your advertising so that you have the most accurate data for each campaign.

For Microsoft Ads, conversion measurement is set up through the Universal Event Tracking (UET) tag, which can track your online metrics (Conversions, Conversion value, Interactions, Visit duration, Custom events).

We recommend having an analytics specialist set the conversion tracking for you.

If you don’t know anyone that could help you, feel free to reach out to us,and we will set up the tracking for you.

Conversion tracking will give you insight into the performance of your campaigns, while also allowing you to use automated bidding strategies and better target your chosen audience. Thus, it can be said that conversion measurement is a prerequisite for successful campaign optimization.

How to run campaigns on Microsoft Search Network?

To run campaigns on Microsoft Search Network, you’ll need to create a Microsoft Advertising account, set up conversion measurement (UET tag) and create campaigns. You can create campaigns directly in your Microsoft Ads account or via BlueWinston.

If you create campaigns for Microsoft Ads via BlueWinston, you can replicate your already created campaigns, and keep all filters, ads, and keywords (if they contain them).

Through BlueWinston, you can also create new Smart Shopping campaigns in your Microsoft Ads account by setting up replication from previously created Google Performance Max campaigns. The campaigns will retain all settings, including filters for products.

In the Microsoft Ads account you need to link your Google Merchant account and then you can create Smart Shopping campaigns:

Conclusion and summary

Advertising via Microsoft Search Network looks quite promising, and we fully recommend running campaigns on Microsoft search as soon as possible. The creation of the ads through BlueWinston is fairly straightforward, but before you start advertising set up the tracking. With correct conversion tracking you can make sure, that the performance of your brand-new Microsoft Ads campaigns will have similar performance to Google search campaigns.

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About the Author:

Account manager at BlueWinston & CCS Shopping in EU (I'm the guy responsible for the most effective PPC tool to create product text and Smart Shopping campaigns for Google Search)